If you would like more information about my activities or for a discussion, please do not hesitate to contact me:
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My name is Luigi Grillo and I have been living in Brussels since August 2021. My interests range across very different fields. I am basically an IT enthusiast and look for areas where technology can bring added value to creativity and the improvement of human activity.
I graduated in Computer Science in Catania, Italy in 1996. I gained my technical maturity working at ST Microelectronics where for eight years I worked in systems administration in mission critical environments and security and privacy as a security engineer.
I was a high school teacher from 2005 to 2021 and as an IT expert I work with companies in various sectors.
I currently work for MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières Belgique) where I deal with ERP (enterprise resource planning) system support for MSF missions.
I am interested in education and am involved in the development of open source technology solutions for agriculture (doliFarm.com) that arise from direct experience of managing of the farm Azienda Agricola Airone which I started as a company in 2016.
Despite everything, my favourite city remains Syracuse, the Greek city in the centre of the Mediterranean :-)
I left the chair of Computer Science in September 2020. I felt the need for a moment of reflection on a didactics capable of putting the students' interests and curiosities at the centre. I see teaching as a non-replicable creative process where the ultimate goal is mutual exchange.
I taught in the Italian public school system for 16 years. I have long experience teaching adults and have held several refresher courses for teachers.
My dream is to return to teaching with renewed enthusiasm.
For further information, specific requirements or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Maison Familiale Rurale - Rete di scuole alternative in Francia.
"I rischi di affidarsi ai colossi della tecnologia per la didattica a distanza" - Maurizio Mazzoneschi , formatore Internazionale 24 aprile 2020.
Movimento di cooperazione educativa MCE. Si tratta di una Associazione professionale collegata alla Federation internationale de l’Ecole Moderne (ovvero il movimento delle scuole che si rifanno all’attivismo e alla pedagogia popolare).
Alberto Manzi è una figura di grande ispirazione nell'ambito dell'educazione. Il centro Alberto Manzi raccoglie molti materiali preziosi.
Interessanti riflessioni, in particolare sulla scuola di oggi e la necessità di un suo rinnovamento: Umberto Galimberti
#scuola #didattica
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.
Scattered and incomplete list of my Projects
Continua a muoversi l'interesse per la tecnologia blockchain nel campo dell'agroalimentare. Agrifood.tech
#tecnologia #agricoltura
I see agriculture as a concrete activity in the search for answers to existential questions: sustenance, care for the environment, sustainability.
I became interested in Permaculture and intrigued by Biodynamics. Since 2012 I have been involved in the cultivation and processing of aromatic and medicinal plants and since 2016 I have been involved in the development of a farm.
To find out more visit www.aziendaagricolaairone.it
There are many points of contact between agricultural activity and educational and technological experience that enrich my human and professional journey.
L'Osservazione è un processo attivo che richiede esercizio.
Osservare senza giudizio, con curiosità e interesse, fuori e dentro di se.
Dal latino observare, composto di ob- e servare ossia "serbare, custodire, considerare".
Osservare è un metodo, uno stile di vita, un approccio al mondo che ci circonda.
"I rischi di affidarsi ai colossi della tecnologia per la didattica a distanza" - Maurizio Mazzoneschi , formatore Internazionale 24 aprile 2020.
#didattica #dad #fad #privacyQueste le osservazioni su cui mi soffermo in questi giorni di profonda crisi:
...'osservando' l'aria che respiriamo. Per saperne di più JonixLUG ABC (Aria Bene Comune)
La Regione Sicilia dice sì alla ricerca di idrocarburi da parte della società texana Panther Oil. Il comitato NO-TRIV si organizza per
il ricorso e la protesta.
#ambiente #economia #politica